Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Twinkle at Dance Practice

Dance is a wonderful common language that can break through cultural barriers and form and forge friendships. Words are no longer that needful.

Dance Practice Has Connection

Dance! Dance is such a wonderful form of communication between friends and people we have just met. It lies in the twinkle of the eye, the smile and that friendly touch.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Dance Practice Party Social Connection

@Ben Lau Dance

Fun at the Dance Practice

Rumba, amidst some erroneous moves and laughter. After all, this is what life is about, isn't it? The ability to laugh amidst errors- laugh and the whole world laughs with you!

@Ben Lau Dance

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Exhilarating Latin Solo At Ben Lau Dance

Latin Solo using Cha-Cha-Cha Steps and Sensous Sexy Moves
At Raffles Twon Club, 
By Ben Lau Dance

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Happy Lunar New Year 2015

Happy Lunar New Year 2015! I love the "Lo Hei" because it symbolizes all the hopes and dreams we would like to see come into reality. At Ben Lau Dance, my students wished for happiness, prosperity, health and peace. 

I am sure that these wishes will be granted and realized in this new year. It is also wonderful to see such bonds and friendships formed through Dance. We are here for each other.

Ben Lau